My Oulu: Interested in the gaming industry? Join a training programme!
The first stage is facilitated by Jussi Autio, Creative Director at Resistance Games. Photo: BusinessOulu
BusinessOulu offers training for those who are interested in games and the gaming industry. The aim is to bring together people with the ideas and enthusiasm to develop the game business further.
You can participate no matter what your area of interest in the gaming industry – design, graphics, coding, sound design, or something else. You can join either as an individual, in which case we will help you find a team, or as an existing team.
The training proceeds in two stages. The first stage includes five networking and workshop events starting from next week. The events have different themes that deal with various aspects of gaming teams and business. The second stage focuses on a team-specific training programme. The teams will be assembled from the participants of the networking and workshop events. Participation is free of charge.
Facilitators from Resistance Games
The first stage is facilitated by Jussi Autio, Creative Director at Resistance Games. He is a founder of Oulu Game Lab and the creator of many PC and mobile games for various companies. He has also been sparring teams and companies in their early stages both in Finland and abroad. A group of coaches from Resistance Games will join the training stage, one per team.
The event is organised at BusinessAsema (Hallituskatu 36 B). You can also follow the event online.
Themes and dates for the first stage:
1. The idea of success 2nd March at 14–19
2. The team for success 16th March at 14–19
3. The roads to success 23rd March at 14–19
4. The tools for success 30th March at 14–19
5. The materials for success 6th April at 14–19
Segments for the team-specific training stage:
1. Business
2. Teamwork
3. Game design
4. Programming
5. Graphics
6. Sound production