My Oulu: This year’s Welcome to Oulu -festival will be held in Mannerheim Park – the city festival is aimed at new residents

Mannerheim Park is lovely place to arrange any kind of events in Oulu, for example Welcome to Oulu -festival in September. Pic: Elias Mustonen

My Oulu

Julkaistu: Kirjoittaja: Anne Laurila

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Welcome to Oulu -festival will be held again next autumn as part of city festival Oulu Days. The event for new Oulu residents will return to Mannerheim Park in the centre of Oulu on 6 September.

The festival showcases local actors, organizations, hobby opportunities, and various services provided by the city of Oulu to new Oulu residents who have recently moved to the city.

On the festival stage a selection of local artists will give a glimpse of great variety Oulu’s music scene has to offer. Festival is free of charge and open to everyone from 1pm to 6pm at Mannerheim Park.

The Mayor of Oulu, Ari Alatossava, has invited all the new Oulu residents to the festival and he has promised to offer a cup of coffee for the first 500 visitors.

“Coffee culture is an essential part of Finnish culture; it is deeply rooted part of our daily life. Also, here in Oulu coffee is drunk with passion and it is an integral part of social interaction. Finns take coffee breaks together at their workplaces, which builds relationships and team spirit in the work community and maintains our well-being at work. Serving a cup of coffee is also a sign of hospitality – and we want our new Oulu residents to feel welcomed to our city and to our community”, mayor says.

New Oulu residents will receive an invitation letter to the Welcome to Oulu -festival. Even if you are not a new resident, everyone is welcome to spend a relaxed event day, update their knowledge of Oulu and enjoy the high-quality program, music, and laid-back atmosphere.

Celebrating comprehensive schools

School year 2024-2025 celebrates education and learning in the city of Oulu’s history.

”First public schools were opened already 150 years ago in Oulu, but it is not only milestone of Oulu’s educational history. Welcome to Oulu -festival will be the launch pad of 50th anniversary year of comprehensive schools in Oulu. Anniversary year’s opening ceremony will be held in Welcome to Oulu -festival and a special anniversary song and group dance, designed for the jubilee, will be released at the festival, in addition to opening remarks by the director of basic education and youth”, says Marjut Nurmivuori.

Want to showcase your activity for new residents? The call for operators is open until 7 August. You can register as an operator through the festival website.

Tents will be set up in an area where exhibitors can introduce themselves to visitors. Exhibitors can also hold different demonstrations, competitions, and experiments at the festival.

It is free of charge to become an exhibitor in the festival area, but sign-up is necessary. After the sign-up closes, all actors will be assigned a spot at the festival area based on space requirements and theme.

Welcome to Oulu -festival will be held as part of Oulu Days on 6 September from 1 pm to 6 pm in Mannerheiminpuisto. The program can be found on the website,