My Oulu: New Oulu residents wish to get information and meet new people

Eduardo Acosta and Jessica Segura were happy to get information about activities in their new hometown and to see local people. (Photographer: Sanna Häyrynen)

My Oulu


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Eduardo Acosta and Jessica Segura moved to Oulu a few months ago. They would like to get to know Oulu, so Welcome to Oulu event seemed perfect for them.

The couple, originally from Colombia, got advice on how to get a library card, tips for leisure activities and information about work opportunities.

“At the BusinessAsema stand I heard about services for entrepreneurs,” says Jessica Segura who is interested in starting her own business. She has already taken part in an employment support programme.

“We moved to Oulu because I got the opportunity for PhD studies at the university. We used to live in Sweden where I finished my Master’s Degree,” tells Eduardo Acosta, who started learning Finnish in August on a language course offered by Villa Victor.

Jessi Yan at the Welcome to Oulu event
Jessica Yan got a map with which she can explore the city centre.

Casual conversation at the language café

Last year Jessie Yan and her family moved to Oulu from China because her husband works here. She would like to be in contact with local people.

At the Welcome to Oulu event, she heard about the language café. There she could learn Finnish and chat with locals and those who have moved to Oulu from abroad. The language café, organised by the Finnish Red Cross and the City of Oulu, is held every Thursday at six p.m. at the Oulu City Library.

“Absolutely, I could attend to meet new people. I go to the library quite often to borrow books. There could be more books in Chinese, though,” Jessie Yan suggests.

In addition to the language café, she got excited about family clubs, which she could attend with her family.