My Oulu 05.12.2024 My Oulu My Oulu: Passing up on skilled immigrant workers may be detrimental to Finnish businesses 29.11.2024 My Oulu My Oulu: Lithuanian artist Rūta Simutytė loved working in Pikisaari 26.11.2024 My Oulu My Oulu: Finnish language studies help immigrants to integrate 18.11.2024 My Oulu My Oulu: Creative Cities collaboration opens international opportunities for artists – Anni Kinnunen at Slovakian Art & Tech Festival 15.11.2024 My Oulu My Oulu: Colorful Restaurant now in Pohjankartano – delicacies from 23 countries 12.11.2024 My Oulu My Oulu: Polar Bear Pitching helps Oulu to stand out in the world of start-ups 04.11.2024 My Oulu My Oulu: Maria Vuorensola leads Oulu toward becoming Europe's most innovative city 08.10.2024 My Oulu My Oulu: Mirja Vehkaperä Co-Chairs Living-in.EU Digital Assembly in Brussels, bringing Oulu’s digital innovation to the forefront 25.09.2024 My Oulu My Oulu: The city wants a Nato Centre of Excellence to Oulu – would benefit all of Finland 19.09.2024 My Oulu My Oulu: Mentoring helps international professionals to integrate 16.09.2024 My Oulu My Oulu: More municipalities have begun to plan the Capital of Culture Year 2026 13.09.2024 My Oulu My Oulu: A Kummi Family is a great way to get immersed in life in Finland 11.09.2024 My Oulu My Oulu: Nordic collaboration at its best in Oulu – Arctic Frontiers Abroad finds joint solutions for arctic challenges